What is Functional Neurology?

Functional neurology is a treatment approach within chiropractic medicine that focuses on the assessment and treatment of the three primary systems your brain uses to determine where it is in space at all times: your visual system, your vestibular system (inner ear) and the feedback you get from muscles and joints called your proprioceptive system. The function of these three systems can be assessed through non-invasive techniques.

The two constants our nervous system has acting on it all of the time are gravity & movement. We have all seen babies develop their brains as they learn to control their bodies against these two variables - from lifting their heads up off of the floor to standing up and walking. Postural stability all stem from these three systems working well. From there, we develop deeper thinking, we learn how to regulate emotions and, most importantly, communicate with others.

New and old injuries, disease process, chronic stress and chronic inflammation can all impact how well these systems function. Dysfunction can look like debilitating symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, motion sickness, lightheadedness, chronic pain, headaches, migraines and sensitivity to light and sound. Along with these symptoms, most people experience cognitive issues, mood disorders like anxiety and depression, behaviour disorders, emotional swings, difficulties communicating and memory issues.

Do any of these sound like you?

Cutting-Edge Diagnostic Tools

Practitioners utilizing a Functional Neurology approach use a range of diagnostic tools to identify and treat underlying neurological issues. Not all clinics are the same, but we believe in acquiring data and tracking objective outcome markers to ensure a comprehensive and complete approach to your care.

At our clinic, these include:

  • Video Head Impulse Testing (vHIT): A technology that measures the function of the vestibular system, which helps with balance and spatial orientation.

  • Videooculography (VOG): A technology that tracks eye movements and can identify issues with vision and balance.

  • Computerized Assessment of Postural Systems (CAPS): A tool that assesses how well your body can maintain balance and posture.

  • NeckCare™: A technology that assesses the cervical spine (neck) for potential impairment by using innovative technology to measure range of motion, joint position error sense and cervical motion sense.

The use of advanced diagnostic technology is crucial in identifying and treating nervous system conditions. By using these non-invasive tools, we can pick up on nuances that can’t be seen with the naked eye very easily. We can also determine how much endurance you have for various situations. With this information, we develop personalized treatment plans for our patients.

Nothing here is cookie cutter.

A doctor runs a metal pinwheel over the forearm of a female patient with bracelets on her wrist, testing sensory responsiveness and nerve function.

“We believe in acquiring data and tracking objective outcome markers...”

A Promising Solution for Nervous System Conditions

If you suffer from conditions like post-concussion syndrome, migraines, dizziness and vertigo, dysautonomia, or chronic pain, utilizing a functional neurology approach may be a promising solution. By addressing underlying neurological dysfunction with a combination of visual and vestibular exercises, hand-eye coordination tasks, soft tissue and chiropractic modalities, functional neurology can help improve your nervous system function and alleviate your symptoms.

Moreover, tracking objective outcome markers is essential in monitoring treatment progress and making adjustments as necessary. Objective outcome markers are measurable changes in function that can be quantified using standardized assessments. By tracking objective outcome markers, we can ensure that our treatments are effective and make modifications to our patient’s treatment plans as needed. As we said earlier, this is not a one-size-fits-all approach. What you need is so different from the next person, and we care about getting you the best possible results.

Ready to get started?